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The next note container bag factory

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The next note container bag factory

Release date:2017-10-11 Author: Click:

In the next time the container bag manufacturers must pay attention to some, otherwise it will lead to serious consequences, that today, tons of bags, container bags, tons of bags, small space bag with you about the next note;

1, in the next time, to put the hook hanging in the middle position of sling, do not tilt, xiegua.

When manufacturers in container bags hanging bag, is not under stand.


3, do not be cargo container bag dragged on the ground or concrete.

Manufacturers of container bags when using the forklift work, don't let the fork meet container bag bag, container bag to avoid puncture.

In the next time must be Caution!, pay attention to the small details, or any details will cause an accident.

This article URL:http://m.jiu222.com/en/news/343.html

Related tags:集裝袋廠家


Address:Shenzhen city Longgang Pingdi Street East Community Taihe Road No. 9 Jiang Industrial Park        

tel:+86-138-2356-5712        0755-28111128 

